While the show lives on in late night reruns, it is best known for Henry Mancini's theme music. Like my all time favorite show, Miami Vice, Peter Gunn made music an integral part of the show. However, I first heard the Peter Gunn theme playing the SpyHunter arcade game in the early 1980s. I was really excited to find this Peter Gunn sound track album at Goodwill for about 79 cents.
If you'd like to hear a bit of the music, check out this YouTube video:
If you'd like to see the TV series, you can find it on Hulu or order the DVD set:
Overall, it's a really cool addition to my vinyl collection. It was a fun Goodwill find. However, if you can't wait to strike thrift store gold, you can get the Peter Gunn soundtrack music, Amazon has it in MP3, CD, and Vinyl formats.