Monday, September 29, 2014

Dirt Cheap Headphones: Skullcandy JIB Earbuds Review

While wandering through my local Target store, I ran across some clearance priced Skullcandy JIB earbuds.  Since earbuds are an increasingly popular way to listen to music and since white Skullcandy JIB earbuds were clearance priced for only $6.98 a pair. I thought I'd give them a try and see what the earbud fuss was all about.

White Skullcandy JIB Earbuds on Clearance at Target

My previous exposure to "earbuds" was limited to the earphones supplied with inexpensive transistor radios and airline handouts.  Those old school earphones were often uncomfortable and didn't sound that great.  In contrast, the Skullcandy JIB earbuds were a very pleasant surprise.  They came with nice foam pads that fit directly, neatly, and very comfortably into my ears.  With the earbuds in place, I found that I was well-insulated from noise of the outside world.  While listening to music at a moderate volume on my laptop and watching a football game on TV, I found that when I un-muted Monday Night Football and could barely hear a murmur from my nearby television.

To me, the music from my laptop sounded great.  The Skullcandy Earbuds thundered through AC/DC's Highway to Hell.  At moderate volumes, they had presence but didn't cause pain.  According to Amazon, Skullcandy JIB headphones are capable of a frequency range of 20Hz to 20Khz.  That more than covers my 47-year old range of hearing.  To me, these earbuds simply sound great!

Searching around the internet for other reviews, I find that I'm not the only one to post a rave about these Skullcandy Jib headphones.  Rob Boyle of the also found that these earbuds provided great sound for the money.

My only concern with earbuds in general is that they really seem to put sound directly on your ear.  To me, that is a very good reason to keep listening to a moderate volume.  Nevertheless, the Skullcandy JIB Earbuds deliver very nice sound.  I can really see why people like earbuds for sound quality and convenience.  Skullcandy is aimed at more youthful listeners and come in a variety of bright colors.  Each earbud sports a skull logo.  Fortunately, I don't mind if my co-workers think I am a bad ass.

Overall, I'd highly recommend Skullcandy JIB Earbuds.  Even at regular prices, they cost less than $20 and they are a really great buy.

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